Ragnarok: Project Zero

Explore the authentic Ragnarok Online world with a modern twist

Welcome to Ragnarok: Project Zero!

Ragnarok Project: Zero is a low rate (5x/5x/5x) Ragnarok online server, based on the Ragnarok Zero mechanics which originate from the official Korean kRO Zero server. Zero is based on Renewal but with core game mechanics re-balanced and improved. You can learn more about Zero on our dedicated Zero mechanics page.

Because Zero is rethinking Ragnarok from the ground up, new content is released progressively in episodes. And this server is following that same process. If you are looking for the most authentic Zero experience with custom mechanics reduced to a minimum, this server is for you. So join this server and experience the journey of Zero together with us!

We're also aiming to provide a true MMORPG experience for both casual players and most competitive players, to build a healthy community and a chill atmosphere, to provide an environment where casual and RP players can enjoy their activities and competitive players can enjoy hard days of grinding and thrilling guild clashes.

Project: Zero aims at improving user experience to the fullest; it will include both in-game changes, website and tools. We have a Master Account system which removes the burden of remembering tens of account information, as well as a fully featured control panel which also includes Item, Monster and Map databases.

Changelog for Patch 1.8.3

Hello everyone!

As previously announced, this will be our last major content update for some time. The server is entering a sort of "maintenance mode" until further notice.

The server is not in danger of shutting down; it will still be maintained and we are still arou...

Changelogs for Patch 1.6.3

Hello everyone, we want to wish you all a Happy New Year! We're all really grateful that you are here with us enjoying the most authentic Zero experience.

While WoE is disabled, we hope that this patch introducing a revamped Battlegrounds system will scratch that PVP i...

Happy holidays everyone and Merry Christmas!

Once more we're very close to a new year, time does fly away fast. All I can remember is a year ago around the same time we had our first major release Louyang. Again this year during December we had another huge major release: Hugel. Which marks up the...

Changelogs for Patch 1.6.1

Hugel Phase 2

We hope that you're enjoying the new Hugel content that we released last maintenance. As promised, there is more content to Hugel that will be delivered later - and today is that day! With this patch we are releasing the second and last phase of the Hugel...

Changelogs for Patch 1.6.0


Phased Release

We are excited to introduce the first part of the Hugel content release! There is a lot of new content to explore in this new region of Schwarzwald, so we decided to release it in phases. This first phase will include the city of Hugel, includi...

Changelogs for Patch 1.5.2

These are preview changelogs, will be released on the 7th of August 2021

This 1st of August 2021 marks a whole year since the server's official launch. It has been a thrilling experience that we have already learned a lot from; and we still got a lot of authentic kRO:Z...